
WGYG/WGYK SHP • A2W Super High Power heat pumps with domestic hot water <60°C

Air/water DC inverter controlled heat pump. The outside air is the energy source for this heat pump. This energy is transferred by the heat pump to the water in the heating circuit(s). Thanks to the "Liquid injection technology" it is possible to reach a water temperature of 60°C even at an outside temperature of -20°C. The fan and compressor speeds are modulated according to the heat requirements.


  • Fujitsu - Airstage


  • Heating for residential and commercial applications
  • Heating by means of radiators, convectors, floor, wall and ceiling heating
  • Production of domestic hot water
  • Ideal for the renovation market


  • High-quality coaxial heat exchanger that ensures efficient defrosting (even at extreme outdoor temperatures)
  • Integrated boiler (190 liters)
  • Buffer tank (25 litres)
  • User-friendly Siemens controller
  • Energy-efficient circulation pump
  • Expansion vessel (12 litres)
  • Safety valve (3 bar)
  • Electrical back-up resistance hydro unit (2 x 3 kW for WGYG/3 x 3 kW for WGYK)
  • Electrical back-up resistance domestic hot water (1 x 1.5 kW)
  • Outside temperature sensor
  • Water pressure gauge


  • R410A


  • Split system
  • Single-phase and three-phase
  • 1 device for 2 applications: heating and domestic hot water
    • Heating assured to -20°C outside temperature
    • Water temperature up to 60°C at -20°C outside temperature (without using the electrical resistance)
  • Liquid Injection Technology: thanks to this technology, it is possible to maintain power and increase efficiency to an unprecedented level
  • Intelligent heating curve (adjustment)
  • Control of 2 heating circuits
  • Can be connected to the PC via an optional web server for remote control of the heat pump
  • Approved according to EN 14511-2 and EN 14511-3
  • Integrated user-friendly operation, available in Dutch and French, among others


    • Room thermostat, type UTW-C55XA
    • Room thermostat RF, type UTW-C58XD + UTW-MRCXD
    • Remote control with room temperature sensor, type UTW-C74TXF
    • Remote control with room temperature and humidity sensor, type UTW-C74HXF
    • Kit for 2nd external circuit WGYA(G)(K) Type UTW-KZDXJ
    • External boiler connection kit WGYA(G)(K).Type UTW-KBSXJ
    • Low Noise kit, type UTW-KLNXE
    • Integrated web server, type UTW-KW1XD
    • Outdoor sensor RF, type UTW-MOSXD + UTW-MRCXD
    • RF module, type UTW-MRCXD
    • Insulation kit for cooling, type UTW-KCLXD
    • Hydraulic decoupling bottle, type UTW-TEVXA
    • External control kit, type UTY-XWZXZ2
    • Pump high head, type PHFXG

    Applicable outdoor units

    Waterstage Super High Power Fujitsu outdoor unit
    • Type WOYG 160 LJL(single-phase)
    • Type WOYK 150 LJL (three-phase)
    • Type WOYK 170 LJL (three-phase)


    Artikelnummer Type Specificatie E-shop
    I100850059001 FS HEXA 05 - F7 ePM1 55% hexa 05
    I100850059002 FS HEXA 05 - F9 ePM1 80% hexa 05
    I100850059003 FS HEXA 05 - M5 ePM10 50% hexa 05
    I100850089001 FS HEXA 08 - F7 ePM1 55% hexa 08
    I100850089002 FS HEXA 08 - F9 ePM1 80% hexa 08
    I100850089003 FS HEXA 08 - M5 ePM10 50% hexa 08
    I100850159001 FS HEXA 15 - F7 ePM1 55% hexa 15
    I100850159002 FS HEXA 15 - F9 ePM1 80% hexa 15
    I100850159003 FS HEXA 15 - M5 ePM10 50% hexa 15
    I100850209001 FS HEXA 20 - F7 ePM1 55% hexa 20
    I100850209002 FS HEXA 20 - F9 ePM1 80% hexa 20
    I100850209003 FS HEXA 20 - M5 ePM10 50% hexa 20
    I100850279001 FS HEXA 27 - F7 ePM1 55% hexa 27
    I100850279002 FS HEXA 27 - F9 ePM1 80% hexa 27
    I100850279003 FS HEXA 27 - M5 ePM10 50% hexa 27
    I100850359001 FS HEXA 35 - F7 ePM1 55% hexa 35
    I100850359002 FS HEXA 35 - F9 ePM1 80% hexa 35
    I100850359003 FS HEXA 35 - M5 ePM10 50% hexa 35
    I100850459001 FS HEXA 45 - F7 ePM1 55% (2x) hexa 45
    I100850459002 FS HEXA 45 - F9 ePM1 80% (2x) hexa 45
    I100850459003 FS HEXA 45 - M5 ePM10 50% (2x) hexa 45
    I100850609001 FS HEXA 60 - F7 ePM1 55% (2x) hexa 60
    I100850609002 FS HEXA 60 - F9 ePM1 80% (4x) hexa 60
    I100850609003 FS HEXA 60 - M5 ePM10 50% (2x) hexa 60
    I100850809001 FS HEXA 80 - F7 ePM1 55% (2x) hexa 80
    I100850809002 FS HEXA 80 - F9 ePM1 80% (x2) hexa 80
    I100850809003 FS HEXA 80 - M5 ePM10 50% (2x) hexa 80
    => Voorraadproduct centraal magazijn behoudens verkoop


    • Startup by CAIROX BELGIUM is highly recommended

    Technical data

    Indoor unit* WGYG 160 DJ6WGYK 170 DJ9WGYK 170 DJ9
    Associated Fujitsu outdoor unit* WOYG 160 LJLWOYK 150 LJLWOYK 170 LJL
    CapacityHeating (-10°C/+35°C)*kW14.814.0515.04
    Heating (-10°C/+55°C)*kW11.4312.5513.44
    HeatingNom. capacity (+7°C/+35°C)*kW161517
    Min - Max capacity (+7°C/+35°C)kW(6,59-22,93)(6,63-22,7)(6,78-24,27)
    Absorbed electric powerkW3.863.464.1
    COP 4.144.334.15
    Nom. capacity (+2°C/+35°C)*kW13.313.213.5
    Absorbed electric powerkW4.254.064.27
    Nom. capacity (+7°C/+55°C)*kW14.513.215
    Absorbed electric powerkW5.584.775.49
    COP 2.62.772.73
    Liquid injection (compressor) Yes
    Backup heating resistance Yes (2 x 3kW)Yes (3 x 3kW)
    Cooling Optional
    Seasonal efficiency ηs heat pump35°C/55°C163/125164/130161/130
    Annual consumption heat pumpkWh 35°C/55°C8014/87578606/99159059/10232
    Energy class heat pump35°C/55°CA++/A++A++/A++A++/A++
    Seasonal efficiency ηs DHW 109109109
    Annual consumption DHWkWh941941941
    Energy class DHW A+A+A+
    Refrigerant (GWP) R410A (2088)R410A (2088)R410A (2088)
    Indoor unitNominal water flow ratel/min57.854.261.4
    Minimal water flow ratel/min26.42427.3
    Max. operational working pressure (heating)Bar3
    Max. operational working pressure (DHW tank)Bar5.5
    Min/Max. water outlet°C+8 / +60°C
    Water volumeL25
    Expansion vessel***L12
    Sound level @ 1mdB46
    Dimensions (H x W x D)mm1840 x 648 x 698
    Volume DHW tankL190
    DHW tank (electrical resistance)kW1.5
    Colour White (RAL 9003)
    Hydraulic connection diameterinch2 x 1"
    Main pipe diameterinch1"
    Condensate drain pipe diametermm32
    Relative humidity limit%15~95
    Type of heat exchanger Coaxial heat exchanger
    Electrical - hydraulic modulePower supply hydraulic moduleV230V/1Ph400V/3Ph+N400V/3Ph+N
    Max. absorbed power (backup resistance)A28.21414
    Automatic fuse (slow)A322020
    Power supply cable section of backup resistancemm²3G65G2,55G2,5
    Section between indoor unit and outdoor unitmm²4G1,54G1,54G1,5
    Electrical - DHWPower supply DHW resistanceV230V/1Ph230V/1Ph230V/1Ph
    Max. absorbed power (backup resistance)A777
    Automatic fuse (slow)A161616
    Power supply cable section of backup resistancemm²3G2,53G2,53G2,5
    TechnicalRefrigerant pipes indoor/outdoorinch3/8 - 5/83/8 - 5/83/8 - 5/8
    Stadard prefilled refrigerantg (CO2eq-T)3800 (10,6)3800 (10,6)3800 (10,6)
    Prefilled piping lengthm151515
    Additionnal refrigerant R410Ag/m505050
    Min./max. piping lengthm5/305/305/30
    Max. height differencem25/1525/1525/15
    Expansion Outdoor unitOutdor unitOutdoor unit
    * Specifications and design can be modified for further improvement without prior notice
    ** Capacities meazsured according to EN14511 measuring method
    *** The size of the expansion vessel has to be determined in accordance with the total water volume of the system

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